Expresión artística un medio para construir procesos pedagógicos en el aula.
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo propiciar procesos de innovación pedagógica para la integración de la
expresión artística al currículo escolar, mediante el desarrollo de una experiencia de capacitación docente que se lleva a cabo bajo una modalidad bimodal, es decir con sesiones presenciales y con seguimiento a través de un sitio web.
Como metas a alcanzar se propusieron las siguientes:
• Elaborar documentos que permitan justificar el marco pedagógico para la divulgación en la capacitación
• Realizar tres talleres presenciales para docentes en el campo de la integración de la expresión artística.
• Desarrollar una experiencia de seguimiento virtual para la capacitación docente.
• Producir un conjunto de estrategias didácticas que visualicen la integración de la expresión artística a
los contenidos curriculares.
• Producir un sitio web para acompañar el proceso de capacitación docente en el campo de la integración
de la expresión artística.
• Desarrollar un diseño gráfico con funciones pedagógicas para el proceso de capacitación.
La actividad contó con la presencia de treinta y un docentes en servicio pertenecientes a escuelas de las siete provincias del país. Las instituciones se encuentran adscritas a la UNESCO o al Programa de Mejoramiento de la Calidad de la Educación en Escuelas Urbano-Marginales (PROMECUM) del Ministerio de Educación Pública.
El proyecto se desarrolla con un enfoque de investigación-acción, el cual se presenta por medio de fases, actividades y tareas.
Como resultados más significativos se presentan los siguientes logros:
• Los conocimientos que posee el docente en cuanto a las áreas pedagógicas y artísticas, influyen en la
manera directa en la planificación de las actividades.
• Entre mayores sean los conocimientos, experiencias y vivencias, más “objetiva” será su interpretación
respecto de la realidad de aula y al currículum escolar.
• Un currículo integrado permite a los estudiantes establecer conexiones entre las diferentes áreas del
currículo escolar y las que corresponden al área artística.
• Para que el aprendizaje sea realmente significativo, es imprescindible abordar la educación desde un
enfoque holístico, de manera que el alumno reciba una enseñanza integral respecto a los conocimientos,
habilidades, destrezas y vivencias, lo que le permitirá reforzar su personalidad.
Adjunta copia de las agendas de las sesiones con los participantes, el material de apoyo, los planeamientos
desarrollados por las escuelas participantes, artículos elaborados por el equipo de investigadoras.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to promote processes of pedagogical innovation for the integration of artistic expression incorporation into the school curriculum, through the development of a teacher training experience which is carried out under a bimodal modality, in other words, with face-to-face sessions and follow-up through a website. As goals to achieve, the following items were proposed: • Preparation of documents to justify the pedagogical framework for diffusion in teacher training. •To carry out three face-to-face workshops for the teachers in the field of of artistic expression integration . • To develop a virtual monitoring experience for teacher training. • To produce a set of teaching strategies which visualizes the integration of artistic expression in the curricular contents. • To produce a website in order to go along with the process of teacher training in the field of the integration of artistic expression. • To develop a graphic design with pedagogical functions for the training process. The activity was attended by thirty-one teachers in service from schools in the seven provinces of the country. The institutions are linked to UNESCO to the Program for the Improvement of the Quality of Education in Urban-Marginal Schools (PROMECUM) of the Ministry of Public Education. The project is developed with a research-action approach, which is presented through phases, activities and tasks. The following achievements are highlighted as the most significant results: • The knowledge that the teacher owns regarding the pedagogical and artistic areas, influences directly the planning of activities. • The greater the knowledge experiences , the more "objective" will be its interpretation regarding the reality of the classroom and the school curriculum. • An integrated curriculum allow students to establish connections among different areas of the school curriculum and those corresponding to the artistic area. • For learning to be really meaningful, it is essential to approach education from an holistic boarding, so that the student receives a comprehensive education regarding knowledge, skills, skills and experiences, which will allow them to reinforce their personality. Attached a copy of the agendas of the sessions with the participants, the support material, the planning developed by the participating schools an articles prepared by the team of researchers.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to promote processes of pedagogical innovation for the integration of artistic expression incorporation into the school curriculum, through the development of a teacher training experience which is carried out under a bimodal modality, in other words, with face-to-face sessions and follow-up through a website. As goals to achieve, the following items were proposed: • Preparation of documents to justify the pedagogical framework for diffusion in teacher training. •To carry out three face-to-face workshops for the teachers in the field of of artistic expression integration . • To develop a virtual monitoring experience for teacher training. • To produce a set of teaching strategies which visualizes the integration of artistic expression in the curricular contents. • To produce a website in order to go along with the process of teacher training in the field of the integration of artistic expression. • To develop a graphic design with pedagogical functions for the training process. The activity was attended by thirty-one teachers in service from schools in the seven provinces of the country. The institutions are linked to UNESCO to the Program for the Improvement of the Quality of Education in Urban-Marginal Schools (PROMECUM) of the Ministry of Public Education. The project is developed with a research-action approach, which is presented through phases, activities and tasks. The following achievements are highlighted as the most significant results: • The knowledge that the teacher owns regarding the pedagogical and artistic areas, influences directly the planning of activities. • The greater the knowledge experiences , the more "objective" will be its interpretation regarding the reality of the classroom and the school curriculum. • An integrated curriculum allow students to establish connections among different areas of the school curriculum and those corresponding to the artistic area. • For learning to be really meaningful, it is essential to approach education from an holistic boarding, so that the student receives a comprehensive education regarding knowledge, skills, skills and experiences, which will allow them to reinforce their personality. Attached a copy of the agendas of the sessions with the participants, the support material, the planning developed by the participating schools an articles prepared by the team of researchers.
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