Educación e interculturalidad: Espacios de posibilidades e intercambio de saberes.
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Este libro es producto del Proyecto de investigación 724-C1-031 “Seguimiento, consolidación y desarrollo de la Red Inter: Red Iberoamericana de Estudios Interculturales e Interdisciplinarios. Nodo Costa Rica”.
Es el resultado de un trabajo colaborativo internacional que lleva coordinando desde hace algunos años la Red Inter. En su III Encuentro Internacional, celebrado en julio de 2019 bajo el auspicio de la Universidad de Costa Rica en sus campus de San José y de Turrialba, la Red Inter logró convocar a una gran multiplicidad y diversidad de voces, experiencias, reflexiones y estudios de caso, cuya “crema y nata” se presenta en este volumen.
El libro contiene 18 contribuciones y se encuentra claramente estructurado en cuatro ejes transversales e interdisciplinarios, todos ellos reflejo de los avances contemporáneos logrados en los Estudios Interculturales latinoamericanos: (1) Diversidad juvenil, identidad y cultura; (2) Pedagogía, territorialidad y migración; (3) Interculturalidad en el proceso educativo y la formación docente; y (4) Educación inclusiva: construcción de espacios escolares más justos y equitativos.
En su conjunto, el libro “Educación e interculturalidad: espacios de posibilidades e intercambio de saberes” ofrece avances sumamente relevantes en varios ámbitos de los Estudios Interculturales: logra des-esencializar y ampliar el espectro de actores más allá de lo indígena y/o de la diversidad étnica; logra, a la vez, diversificar las metodologías hacia enfoques innovadores y experimentales; y consigue entablar intercambios y circulaciones de saberes entre situaciones de aprendizaje áulicas y escolares, por un lado, y situaciones extra-escolares, comunitarias o provenientes de instituciones no-escolares, como en el caso del sistema de salud o el sistema penitenciario. En los tiempos actuales, convulsos y preocupantes, pero también esperanzadores y transformadores, que recorren Nuestra América, este libro ofrece una serie de “pistas” para el cambio social y educativo.
ABSTRACT: This book is the product of the research project 724-C1-031 “Follow-up, consolidation and development of the Inter Network: Ibero-American Network of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies. Node Costa Rica ”. It is the result of an international collaborative work that the Inter Network has been coordinating for some years. At its III International Meeting, held in July 2019 under the auspices of the University of Costa Rica at its San José and Turrialba campuses, the Inter Network managed to convene a great multiplicity and diversity of voices, experiences, reflections and studies from case, whose "cream of the cream" is presented in this volume. The book contains 18 contributions and is clearly structured in four transversal and interdisciplinary axes, they reflect the contemporary advances achieved in Latin American Intercultural Studies: (1) Youth diversity, identity and culture; (2) Pedagogy, territoriality and migration; (3) Interculturality in the educational process and teacher training; and (4) Inclusive education: construction of fairer and more equitable school spaces. As a whole, the book "Education and interculturality: spaces of possibilities and exchange of knowledge" offers highly relevant advances in various fields of Intercultural Studies: it manages to de-essentialize and broaden the spectrum of actors beyond the indigenous and / or ethnic diversity; achieve, at the same time, diversify methodologies towards innovative and experimental approaches; and it manages to establish exchanges and circulations of knowledge between classroom and school learning situations, on the one hand, and situations outside of school, community or from non-school institutions, as in the case of the health system or the penitentiary system. In today's turbulent and worrying, but also hopeful and transformative times that travel through Our America, this book offers a series of "clues" for social and educational change.
ABSTRACT: This book is the product of the research project 724-C1-031 “Follow-up, consolidation and development of the Inter Network: Ibero-American Network of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Studies. Node Costa Rica ”. It is the result of an international collaborative work that the Inter Network has been coordinating for some years. At its III International Meeting, held in July 2019 under the auspices of the University of Costa Rica at its San José and Turrialba campuses, the Inter Network managed to convene a great multiplicity and diversity of voices, experiences, reflections and studies from case, whose "cream of the cream" is presented in this volume. The book contains 18 contributions and is clearly structured in four transversal and interdisciplinary axes, they reflect the contemporary advances achieved in Latin American Intercultural Studies: (1) Youth diversity, identity and culture; (2) Pedagogy, territoriality and migration; (3) Interculturality in the educational process and teacher training; and (4) Inclusive education: construction of fairer and more equitable school spaces. As a whole, the book "Education and interculturality: spaces of possibilities and exchange of knowledge" offers highly relevant advances in various fields of Intercultural Studies: it manages to de-essentialize and broaden the spectrum of actors beyond the indigenous and / or ethnic diversity; achieve, at the same time, diversify methodologies towards innovative and experimental approaches; and it manages to establish exchanges and circulations of knowledge between classroom and school learning situations, on the one hand, and situations outside of school, community or from non-school institutions, as in the case of the health system or the penitentiary system. In today's turbulent and worrying, but also hopeful and transformative times that travel through Our America, this book offers a series of "clues" for social and educational change.
Este libro fue actualizado, debido a errores localizados en la primera versión. Las correcciones realizadas son las siguientes:
• Se elimina el nombre de la señora Adriana Rivera Lensundi en la página 6.
• Se elimina el nombre del artículo: La comprensión intercultural en el dominio de las prácticas de enfermería. Adriana Rivera Lensundi, página 302.
Palabras clave
Educación, Educación intercultural, Diversidad cultural, Migración, Personal docente, Formación profesional, Educación inclusiva, Education, Intercultural education, Cultural diversity, Migration, Teaching staff, Professional training, Inclusive education