La vivencia menopáusica y su impacto educativo en mujeres solteras de mediana edad
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Esta investigación de corte cualitativo rescata la voz de un grupo de mujeres solteras de mediana edad, amas de casa y asalariadas sobre la percepción que tienen sobre el ser mujer soltera de mediana edad atravesando el proceso menopáusico.
Son ellas quienes tienen la palabra para caracterizar la condición de soltería, a quienes se les reclama y discrimina en la cultura patriarcal, por el hecho de no tener una relación estable y reconocida con un varón que les acuerpe y les ofrezca el prestigio social como señoras y madres. Además al llegar a la mediana edad se les denomina solteronas o mujeres solas, quienes, además de ser solteras son menopáusicas y viejas.
El mito de la maternidad, constituye para estas mujeres la esencia femenina y aunque no son madres biológicas, lo viven como adoptivas de la descendencia de sus sobrinos o sobrinas. Destacan la capacidad de las mujeres para tomar sus decisiones en paridad con los varones y sobre todo la necesidad de que las mujeres desarrollen las propias potencialidades.
Estas mujeres, en general, viven la soltería en su mediana edad dentro de un mundo de contradicciones. Explican su condición de soltería apelando al destino, al designio divino, al no haber encontrado el hombre ideal, pero también plantean, aunque no lo afirman como causal, el haber dedicado tanto tiempo a su familia, dentro de un sistema de control y de rigidez al cual fueron sometidas desde jóvenes. Encontramos en este estudio que la soltería no ha sido una decisión tomada en forma deliberada por estas mujeres en su juventud, más bien ha sido una designación familiar al sacrificar a una de las mujeres para brindar la atención y el cuido a las figuras progenitoras hasta el momento de la muerte.
La condición de menopáusicas las enfrenta con el envejecimiento y la preocupación para vivir esa etapa en
condición de mujeres solas, aunque tengan a sus familiares que las aprecian tanto. Encuentran tanto ventajas como desventajas con la finalización de la etapa reproductiva y la ausencia de la menstruación.
Tanto las amas de casa como las asalariadas dan una connotación de enfermedad al proceso menopáusico: las primeras se quejan de experimentar una serie de malestares físicos y emocionales, mientras que las segundas insisten en que la menstruación despareció sin gran novedad y que no han experimentado complicaciones.
Mientras que las amas de casa se encuentran cumpliendo las labores domésticas, con una vida social muy reducida, y casi sin actividades fuera del hogar, las mujeres asalariadas cumplen con una doble jornada laboral, y además tienen actividades comunales y religiosas en las iglesias a las que pertenecen.
ABSTRACT: This qualitative research rescues the voice of a group of middle-aged single women, housewives and wage earners about the perception they have of being a middle-aged single woman going through the menopausal process. They are the ones who have the word to characterize the condition of singleness, to whom they are claimed and discriminated against in the patriarchal culture, for the fact of not having a stable and recognized relationship with a man who accords them and offers them social prestige as ladies. and mothers. Also, when they reach middle age, they are called spinsters or single women, who, in addition to being single, are menopausal and old. The myth of motherhood is for these women the feminine essence and although they are not biological mothers, they live as adoptive of the offspring of their nephews or nieces. They highlight the ability of women to make their decisions in parity with men and above all the need for women to develop their own potential. These women, in general, live single in their middle age in a world of contradictions. They explain their condition of singleness by appealing to destiny, to divine design, not having found the ideal man, but they also pose, although they do not affirm it as causal, having devoted so much time to their family, within a system of control and rigidity to which they were subjected from young people. We find in this study that singleness has not been a decision taken deliberately by these women in their youth, rather it has been a family designation to sacrifice one of the women to provide care and care to the progenitor figures until the moment of death. The condition of menopause confronts them with aging and the worry to live that stage in the condition of single women, even if they have their relatives who appreciate them so much. They find both advantages and disadvantages with the completion of the reproductive stage and the absence of menstruation. Both housewives and salaried women give a connotation of disease to the menopausal process: the former complain of experiencing a series of physical and emotional discomforts, while the latter insist that the menstruation disappeared without great news and that they have not experienced complications. . While housewives are doing housework, with a very limited social life, and almost no activities outside the home, wage-earning women fulfill a double working day, and also have communal and religious activities in the churches at the that belong.
ABSTRACT: This qualitative research rescues the voice of a group of middle-aged single women, housewives and wage earners about the perception they have of being a middle-aged single woman going through the menopausal process. They are the ones who have the word to characterize the condition of singleness, to whom they are claimed and discriminated against in the patriarchal culture, for the fact of not having a stable and recognized relationship with a man who accords them and offers them social prestige as ladies. and mothers. Also, when they reach middle age, they are called spinsters or single women, who, in addition to being single, are menopausal and old. The myth of motherhood is for these women the feminine essence and although they are not biological mothers, they live as adoptive of the offspring of their nephews or nieces. They highlight the ability of women to make their decisions in parity with men and above all the need for women to develop their own potential. These women, in general, live single in their middle age in a world of contradictions. They explain their condition of singleness by appealing to destiny, to divine design, not having found the ideal man, but they also pose, although they do not affirm it as causal, having devoted so much time to their family, within a system of control and rigidity to which they were subjected from young people. We find in this study that singleness has not been a decision taken deliberately by these women in their youth, rather it has been a family designation to sacrifice one of the women to provide care and care to the progenitor figures until the moment of death. The condition of menopause confronts them with aging and the worry to live that stage in the condition of single women, even if they have their relatives who appreciate them so much. They find both advantages and disadvantages with the completion of the reproductive stage and the absence of menstruation. Both housewives and salaried women give a connotation of disease to the menopausal process: the former complain of experiencing a series of physical and emotional discomforts, while the latter insist that the menstruation disappeared without great news and that they have not experienced complications. . While housewives are doing housework, with a very limited social life, and almost no activities outside the home, wage-earning women fulfill a double working day, and also have communal and religious activities in the churches at the that belong.
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