El concepto Formación en la Ley Fundamental de Educación de Costa Rica y en sus raíces en el pensamiento pedagógico de Occidente.
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A mediados del siglo XX, Costa Rica asume uno de los cambios más significativos de su historia educativa y
social. Su desarrollo económico y demográfico, la evolución política y la expansión del sistema institucional
indujeron la creación de la Ley Fundamental de Educación de Costa Rica durante 1957 y 1958. El propósito
de este informe es presentar una investigación crítico-epistémica de los referentes filosóficos, pedagógicos,
sociales, metodológicos, políticos y antropológicos del concepto “formación” que se encuentra en esta Ley.
Dicha legislación expone el concepto y las raíces pedagógicas de Occidente y las analiza de acuerdo con el
pensamiento educativo costarricense. Asimismo desarrolla el marco filosófico y político de la educación junto
con el marco axiológico y epistemológico del sistema educativo.
Esta memoria desarrolla diez capítulos que comprenden las lógicas discursivas, conceptuales, antropológicas y la dimensión cultural y sociológica de los procesos de formación en el marco de las estructuras de pensamiento.
Además, se exponen los términos, la evolución, los principios teóricos y los orígenes educativos en relación
con el término “formación”. Su metodología describe la naturaleza, el carácter científico y los problemas de la
investigación, y se analiza el avance de la formación en el pensamiento pedagógico de Occidente.
Otro tema de investigación observa el desarrollo del concepto “formación” en el ámbito educativo costarricense de la primera mitad del siglo XX: la capacitación docente y el pensamiento educativo que representan las influencias de la psicología conductista.
Finalmente, se manifiesta que esta ley no realiza la elaboración de la individualidad; aunque la idea de formación personal sí estuvo en sus objetivos, no desarrolla plenamente la noción de personalidad. Por lo tanto, este informe plantea la necesidad de la formación humana y su soporte cultural para elaborar una nueva ley de educación costarricense.
ABSTRACT: In the mid-20th Century, Costa Rica took on one of the most significant changes in its educational and social history. Its economic and demographic growth, the political evolution and the expansion of the Costa Rican Fundamental Education Law during 1957 and 1958. The purpose of this report is to present a critical-epistemic research of the philosophical, social, methodological, political and anthropological references of the term "education" as seen in the Law. This legislation presents the Western concept and the pedagogical roots, and analyzes them in accordance with Costa Rican educational thinking. Furthermore, the report develops the philosophical and political framework of education along with the axiological and epistemological framework of the educational system. This report includes in its ten chapters discursive, conceptual, anthropological logic, and the cultural and sociological scope of the education processes within the framework of thinking structures. In addition, terms, evolution, theoretical principles and educational origins are set out in relation to the term "education". Its methodology describes its nature, the science of it and the research problems, and analyzes the progress of education in Western pedagogical thinking. Another research topic is the development of the term "education" in Costa Rican education in the first half of the 20th Century: teacher training and educational thinking that represent the influences of behavioral psychology. Finally, it is evident that this law does not carry out the implementation of individuality; although the idea of personal training was in its objectives, it does not fully develop the notion of personality. This report therefore raises the need for training and its cultural support in order to draft a new Costa Rican education law.
ABSTRACT: In the mid-20th Century, Costa Rica took on one of the most significant changes in its educational and social history. Its economic and demographic growth, the political evolution and the expansion of the Costa Rican Fundamental Education Law during 1957 and 1958. The purpose of this report is to present a critical-epistemic research of the philosophical, social, methodological, political and anthropological references of the term "education" as seen in the Law. This legislation presents the Western concept and the pedagogical roots, and analyzes them in accordance with Costa Rican educational thinking. Furthermore, the report develops the philosophical and political framework of education along with the axiological and epistemological framework of the educational system. This report includes in its ten chapters discursive, conceptual, anthropological logic, and the cultural and sociological scope of the education processes within the framework of thinking structures. In addition, terms, evolution, theoretical principles and educational origins are set out in relation to the term "education". Its methodology describes its nature, the science of it and the research problems, and analyzes the progress of education in Western pedagogical thinking. Another research topic is the development of the term "education" in Costa Rican education in the first half of the 20th Century: teacher training and educational thinking that represent the influences of behavioral psychology. Finally, it is evident that this law does not carry out the implementation of individuality; although the idea of personal training was in its objectives, it does not fully develop the notion of personality. This report therefore raises the need for training and its cultural support in order to draft a new Costa Rican education law.
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