Construcción de una Escala de Prejuicios Sutiles hacia las personas con discapacidad.
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El proyecto cumplió con el propósito de construir un instrumento, con índices satisfactorios de fiabilidad y evidencias de validez, para comprobar la presencia de prejuicios sutiles hacia las personas con discapacidad (PcD) en el ámbito universitario. Una singularidad de este proyecto es su carácter interuniversitario, interdisciplinario e internacional y su sólida fundamentación teórico-epistemológica, metodológica, política y ética. Se diseñó un cuestionario-escala tipo Likert, bidimensional (hostil y benevolente) que incluía aspectos negativos del prejuicio en términos de minusvaloración y discapacidad, resaltando los aspectos limitantes y deficitarios de las PcD, así como los aspectos del prejuicio, en términos de visión estereotipada asociada a capacidades restringidas de las PcD, pero expresados en tono benevolente. Los resultados de los análisis confirmaron que el prejuicio hacia las PcD es multidimensional. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró un ajuste excelente de la conceptualización teórica del prejuicio hacia las PcD al modelo obtenido. El modelo ambivalente puesto a prueba confirmó que la forma hostil del prejuicio, característica de culturas en las que pervive el discurso de la inferioridad, convive con la forma benevolente, más propia de culturas en las que hay una adaptación del discurso a los requerimientos de la igualdad y la diversidad, sin que ello implique una asimilación real de estos valores. Las dimensiones subyacentes identificadas en el prejuicio hacia las personas con discapacidad, constituyen una barrera para una educación superior inclusiva.
El proceso de construcción se inició mediante técnicas cualitativas, en primera instancia, a partir de las cuales se extrajeron enunciados con los 3 niveles discursivos y las estrategias categoriales propuestas por Vargas (2013) y se elaboró la primera versión del instrumento con 70 ítemes. El Análisis de Componentes Principales con una muestra de 551 miembros de tres universidades, dos de Costa Rica y una España, permitió identificar cuatro dimensiones subyacentes en el prejuicio. Estos hallazgos suponen una importante contribución para el diseño de políticas inclusivas en la educación universitaria. La estructura identificada en un análisis exploratorio previo arrojó un modelo de cuatro factores latentes. En este estudio se evaluó el ajuste del modelo mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio, obteniendo excelentes índices de ajuste. Los resultados aportan, por tanto, buenas evidencias de validez basadas en la estructura interna [CITATION AER99 \l 3082 ]. Estos resultados confirman la utilidad del instrumento para diseñar políticas inclusivas y evaluar resultados de intervención. La invariancia del modelo en medios culturales diferentes y la subescala de género constituyen el aporte más novedoso del modelo. La validación empírica del modelo aportó tres aspectos relevantes para toda investigación: a) disponer de un modelo explicativo que permita avanzar el conocimiento sobre la naturaleza del prejuicio, específicamente hacia las PcD en el ámbito universitario, b) disponer de un instrumento de evaluación con garantías de fiabilidad y evidencias de validez, que pueda ser utilizado en futuras investigaciones y transferido al ámbito académico por medio de publicaciones científicas, y c) transferir a los grupos de agentes educativos de nuestras universidades una herramienta de trabajo para la sensibilización y concientización sobre el prejuicio, para avanzar en la transformación hacia una sociedad más equitativa e inclusiva.
ABSTRACT: The project fulfilled the purpose of building an instrument, with satisfactory confirmation rates and validity evidence, to verify the presence of subtle prejudices towards people with disabilities (PcD) in the university environment. A singularity of this project is its interuniversity, interdisciplinary and international character and its solid theoretical-epistemological, methodological, political and ethical foundation. A two-dimensional Likert-type questionnaire-scale (hostile and benevolent) was designed that includes negative aspects of prejudice in terms of undervaluation and disability, highlighting the limiting and deficit aspects of PCD, as well as the aspects of prejudice, in terms of stereotyped vision associated with restricted capacities of the PCD, but expressed in a benevolent tone. The results of the analyzes confirmed that the prejudice towards PcD is multidimensional. The confirmatory factor analysis obtained an excellent fit of the theoretical conceptualization of prejudice towards PwD to the model obtained. The ambivalent model put to the test confirmed that the hostile form of prejudice, characteristic of cultures in which the discourse of inferiority survives, coexists with the benevolent form, more typical of cultures in which there is an adaptation of discourse to the requirements of equality and diversity, without implying a real assimilation of these values. The underlying dimensions identified in prejudice towards people with disabilities, specifically a barrier to inclusive higher education The construction process began with qualitative techniques, in the first instance, from which statements with the 3 discursive levels and the categorical strategies proposed by Vargas (2013) were extracted and the first version of the instrument with 70 items was prepared. The Principal Components Analysis with a sample of 551 members from three universities, two from Costa Rica and one from Spain, allowed us to identify four underlying dimensions of prejudice. These findings make an important contribution to the design of inclusive policies in university education. The structure identified in a previous exploratory analysis yielded a model of four latent factors. In this study, the fit of the model was evaluated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, obtaining excellent fit indices. The results therefore provide good evidence of validity based on internal structure [CITATION AER99 \ l 3082]. These results confirm the utility of the instrument to design inclusive policies and evaluate intervention results. The invariance of the model in different cultural media and the gender subscale constitute the most innovative contribution of the model. The empirical validation of the model provided three relevant aspects for all research: a) have an explanatory model that allows us to advance knowledge about the nature of prejudice, specifically towards PcD in the university environment, b) have an evaluation instrument with guarantees of reliability and evidence of validity, which can be used in future research and transferred to the academic field through scientific publications, and c) transferring to the groups of educational agents of our universities a working tool for sensitization and awareness of prejudice, to advance the transformation towards a more equitable and inclusive society.
ABSTRACT: The project fulfilled the purpose of building an instrument, with satisfactory confirmation rates and validity evidence, to verify the presence of subtle prejudices towards people with disabilities (PcD) in the university environment. A singularity of this project is its interuniversity, interdisciplinary and international character and its solid theoretical-epistemological, methodological, political and ethical foundation. A two-dimensional Likert-type questionnaire-scale (hostile and benevolent) was designed that includes negative aspects of prejudice in terms of undervaluation and disability, highlighting the limiting and deficit aspects of PCD, as well as the aspects of prejudice, in terms of stereotyped vision associated with restricted capacities of the PCD, but expressed in a benevolent tone. The results of the analyzes confirmed that the prejudice towards PcD is multidimensional. The confirmatory factor analysis obtained an excellent fit of the theoretical conceptualization of prejudice towards PwD to the model obtained. The ambivalent model put to the test confirmed that the hostile form of prejudice, characteristic of cultures in which the discourse of inferiority survives, coexists with the benevolent form, more typical of cultures in which there is an adaptation of discourse to the requirements of equality and diversity, without implying a real assimilation of these values. The underlying dimensions identified in prejudice towards people with disabilities, specifically a barrier to inclusive higher education The construction process began with qualitative techniques, in the first instance, from which statements with the 3 discursive levels and the categorical strategies proposed by Vargas (2013) were extracted and the first version of the instrument with 70 items was prepared. The Principal Components Analysis with a sample of 551 members from three universities, two from Costa Rica and one from Spain, allowed us to identify four underlying dimensions of prejudice. These findings make an important contribution to the design of inclusive policies in university education. The structure identified in a previous exploratory analysis yielded a model of four latent factors. In this study, the fit of the model was evaluated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, obtaining excellent fit indices. The results therefore provide good evidence of validity based on internal structure [CITATION AER99 \ l 3082]. These results confirm the utility of the instrument to design inclusive policies and evaluate intervention results. The invariance of the model in different cultural media and the gender subscale constitute the most innovative contribution of the model. The empirical validation of the model provided three relevant aspects for all research: a) have an explanatory model that allows us to advance knowledge about the nature of prejudice, specifically towards PcD in the university environment, b) have an evaluation instrument with guarantees of reliability and evidence of validity, which can be used in future research and transferred to the academic field through scientific publications, and c) transferring to the groups of educational agents of our universities a working tool for sensitization and awareness of prejudice, to advance the transformation towards a more equitable and inclusive society.
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