Seguimiento a las Subcomisión Interuniversitaria de Educación Ambiental (CIEA): Plan de trabajo 2019.
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Esta actividad se inscribe tanto para dar seguimiento al plan de trabajo como para administrar los fondos asignados por la Comisión de Investigación del Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE) a la Subcomisión Interuniversitaria de Educación Ambiental (CIEA) para el año 2019. Es desarrollado por un equipo interdisciplinario de profesionales de ingeniería ambiental, química, biología, agronomía, educación, gestión ambiental y filosofía. El objetivo general fue facilitar procesos de incorporación de la Dimensión Ambiental (DA), para la construcción y apropiación de una cultura ambiental en el quehacer universitario estatal.
Se utilizó como técnica el muestreo aleatorio por conglemorados en relación con los constructos y las características de cada sede central en las que se aplican los indicadores, tomando en cuenta los sectores e informantes clave. Como técnicas de recolección se utilizó encuestas, entrevistas y grupos focales. Las conclusiones a las que llegó el estudio son las siguientes: La CIEA concibe que las universidades públicas deben ser ejemplo en la incorporación de la DA, tanto en lo formativo como en la gestión ambiental. En la
construcción de una cultura ambiental interuniversitaria, se debe partir de la formación profesional y del quehacer universitario, para constituirse en un interlocutor legitimado en la sociedad. Las universidades públicas deben contribuir con actuaciones y normativas que velen por el desarrollo sostenible, la solidaridad y la equidad. La construcción de una cultura ambiental requiere del apoyo político de las autoridades universitarias y no sólo de las disposiciones individuales o sectoriales. La matriz de indicadores educativos ambientales ofrece la oportunidad de desarrollar un sistema de indicadores que abarque el quehacer de las universidades estatales para contribuir a la construcción de la cultura ambiental en campus sostenibles. Es importante que la DA sea la clave para transversalizar curricularmente en los procesos de formación y de gestión ambiental para evidenciar los avances en el fortalecimiento de los campus sostenibles y la construcción de la cultura ambiental, que debería reflejarse en planes de estudio y profesionales que incorporan el eje curricular de ambiente y promueven el desarrollo profesional con sensibilidad y concientización ambiental para su desempeño laboral. Además la CIEA recomienda elaborar la línea base para conocer el estado actual de las acciones que fortalezcan los campus sostenibles, así como, apropiarse de la sostenibilidad de los campus a partir de la construcción de la cultura ambiental en todo el quehacer universitario.
ABSTRACT: This activity is registered both to follow up on the work plan and to administer the funds assigned by the Research Commission of the National Council of Rectors (CONARE) to the Interuniversity Subcommittee of Environmental Education (CIEA) for the year 2019. It is developed by a interdisciplinary team of professionals in environmental engineering, chemistry, biology, agronomy, education, environmental management and philosophy. The general objective was to facilitate processes of incorporation of the Environmental Dimension (DA), for the construction and appropriation of an environmental culture in the state university work. Random sampling by conglemorados was carried out as a technique in relation to the constructs and characteristics of each headquarters in which the indicators are applied, taking into account the sectors and key informants. As collection techniques, surveys, interviews and focus groups were carried out. The conclusions reached by the study are as follows: The CIEA conceives that public universities should be an example in the incorporation of AD, both in training and in environmental management. In the construction of an interuniversity environmental culture, must start from professional training and university work, to become a legitimate interlocutor in society. Public universities must contribute with actions and regulations that ensure sustainable development, solidarity and equity. The construction of an environmental culture requires the political support of the university authorities and not only of individual or sectoral provisions. The matrix of environmental educational indicators offers the opportunity to develop a system of indicators that encompasses the work of state universities to contribute to the construction of an environmental culture in sustainable campuses. It is important that AD is the key to mainstream curricular training and environmental management processes to demonstrate progress in strengthening sustainable campuses and building an environmental culture, which should be reflected in study plans and professionals that incorporate the curricular axis of environment and promote professional development with sensitivity and environmental awareness for their work performance. In addition, the CIEA recommends drawing up the baseline to know the current state of actions that strengthen sustainable campuses, as well as taking ownership of the sustainability of the campuses from the construction of an environmental culture in all university work.
ABSTRACT: This activity is registered both to follow up on the work plan and to administer the funds assigned by the Research Commission of the National Council of Rectors (CONARE) to the Interuniversity Subcommittee of Environmental Education (CIEA) for the year 2019. It is developed by a interdisciplinary team of professionals in environmental engineering, chemistry, biology, agronomy, education, environmental management and philosophy. The general objective was to facilitate processes of incorporation of the Environmental Dimension (DA), for the construction and appropriation of an environmental culture in the state university work. Random sampling by conglemorados was carried out as a technique in relation to the constructs and characteristics of each headquarters in which the indicators are applied, taking into account the sectors and key informants. As collection techniques, surveys, interviews and focus groups were carried out. The conclusions reached by the study are as follows: The CIEA conceives that public universities should be an example in the incorporation of AD, both in training and in environmental management. In the construction of an interuniversity environmental culture, must start from professional training and university work, to become a legitimate interlocutor in society. Public universities must contribute with actions and regulations that ensure sustainable development, solidarity and equity. The construction of an environmental culture requires the political support of the university authorities and not only of individual or sectoral provisions. The matrix of environmental educational indicators offers the opportunity to develop a system of indicators that encompasses the work of state universities to contribute to the construction of an environmental culture in sustainable campuses. It is important that AD is the key to mainstream curricular training and environmental management processes to demonstrate progress in strengthening sustainable campuses and building an environmental culture, which should be reflected in study plans and professionals that incorporate the curricular axis of environment and promote professional development with sensitivity and environmental awareness for their work performance. In addition, the CIEA recommends drawing up the baseline to know the current state of actions that strengthen sustainable campuses, as well as taking ownership of the sustainability of the campuses from the construction of an environmental culture in all university work.
Palabras clave
Educación Ambiental, Educación Superior, Desarrollo Sostenible, Environmental education, Higher education, Sustainable development