El Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido sobre los seres vivos. El caso de una maestra de ciencias de enseñanza primaria
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Se aborda el estudio de caso de una maestra de Educación Primaria que imparte Ciencias en Quinto año del II Ciclo, en el transcurso de un año escolar. El propósito se centra en el análisis del Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido (CDC) personal sobre la enseñanza de los seres vivos (niveles de organización e interacciones), según su capacidad de reflexión; así como en la naturaleza de los obstáculos que dificultan el desarrollo profesional. Esta investigación-acción se enmarca en el paradigma de la complejidad evolutiva, a la luz de las aportaciones del modelo de conocimiento profesional del profesorado de Ciencias que incluye CDC y la Hipótesis de la Complejidad. Se emplearon instrumentos de primer orden (entrevistas semiestructuradas) y segundo orden (sistemas de categorías) para el análisis de la reflexión. La docente presenta un CDC personal que define un modelo didáctico particular con carácter dinámico y flexible para la planificación y ejecución de la enseñanza. Finalmente, se establecen implicaciones para la formación inicial docente en Educación Primaria. Como consideraciones finales se plantearon las siguientes:
Al estudiar las diferentes componentes que constituyen las bases del conocimiento profesional de la profesora (BCPP) que informa sobre el Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido (CDC) derivado de la reflexión sobre su práctica educativa, apreciamos que desde la perspectiva teórica de la Hipótesis de la Complejidad (Vázquez-Bernal et al., 2007a), su reflexión se sitúa entre la dimensión técnica y práctica, es decir, se evidencian obstáculos en la mediación pedagógica que se enfrentan con cierta capacidad de adaptabilidad y flexibilidad ante el escenario inédito de educación remota de emergencia debido a la pandemia por COVID-19, que implicó desplegar esfuerzos contundentes en la preparación del estudiantado para las pruebas estandarizadas FARO en el quinto grado de la Educación Primaria.
En la línea del conocimiento de la evaluación, los resultados permiten reconocer que la aplicación de estas pruebas más allá de trazar una representación diagnóstica donde se sitúan los niveles de logro alcanzados en el aprendizaje, se convierte en una experiencia de tensión tanto para la docente como el estudiantado, pues reiteran la medición de la capacidad de memorización de contenidos científicos escolares a través de ítems cerrados en un examen con carácter sancionador y sumativo. Por tanto, se mantiene una asimetría de poder en el proceso de la evaluación de los aprendizajes puesto que el estudiantado se convierte en un reproductor del contenido proporcionado por la persona docente (Vázquez-Bernal et al., 2013a). También, reconocemos que la maestra complementa las pruebas escritas con otros instrumentos que le permiten obtener información sobre la autorregulación en el aprendizaje. Estos resultados también son similares a los obtenidos en el estudio de caso de una profesora desarrollado por Vázquez-Bernal et al. (2013b) cuyos resultados sugieren que la evaluación es un asunto poliédrico, es decir, con algunas aristas más reflejadas como el objeto, contenido e instrumentos de evaluación a diferencia de otras como la participación de las cuales no se obtuvo referencias en la codificación.
ABSTRACT: The case study of a Primary Education teacher who teaches Science in the fifth year of the II Cycle, in the course of a school year, is addressed. The purpose is focused on the analysis of the personal Didactic Knowledge of the Content (CDC) on the teaching of living beings (levels of organization and interactions), according to their capacity for reflection; as well as the nature of the obstacles that hinder professional development. This action research is framed within the paradigm of evolutionary complexity, in light of the contributions of the professional knowledge model of Science teachers that includes CDC and the Complexity Hypothesis. First order (semi-structured interviews) and second order (category systems) instruments were used for the reflection analysis. The teacher presents a personal CDC that defines a particular didactic model with a dynamic and flexible character for the planning and execution of teaching. Finally, the implications for initial teacher training in Primary Education were established. The following were raised as final considerations: When studying the different components that constitute the bases of the professional knowledge of the teacher (BCPP) that informs about the Didactic Knowledge of the Content (CDC) derived from the reflection on her educational practice, we appreciate that from the theoretical perspective of the Complexity Hypothesis (Vázquez-Bernal et al., 2007a), his reflection is located between the technical and practical dimension, in other words, there are evidence of obstacles in pedagogical mediation that are faced with a certain capacity for adaptability and flexibility in the face of the unprecedented scenario of remote education of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which involved making strong efforts to prepare students for the FARO standardized tests in the fifth grade of Primary Education. In the line of knowledge of the evaluation, the results allow us to recognize that the application of these tests, beyond drawing a diagnostic representation where the levels of achievement reached in learning are located, becomes a stressful experience for both the teacher and the student. the student body, since they reiterate the measurement of the memorization capacity of school scientific contents through closed elements in an exam with a sanctioning and summative nature. Therefore, an asymmetry of power is maintained in the learning assessment process since the student body becomes a reproducer of the content provided by the teacher (Vázquez-Bernal et al., 2013a). Also, we recognize that the teacher complements the written tests with other instruments that allow her to obtain information about self-regulation in learning. These results are also similar to those obtained in the case study of a female teacher developed by Vázquez-Bernal et al. (2013b) whose results suggest that evaluation is a multifaceted matter, that is, with some more reflected edges such as the object, content, and evaluation instruments, unlike others, such as the participation of which no references were obtained in the coding.
ABSTRACT: The case study of a Primary Education teacher who teaches Science in the fifth year of the II Cycle, in the course of a school year, is addressed. The purpose is focused on the analysis of the personal Didactic Knowledge of the Content (CDC) on the teaching of living beings (levels of organization and interactions), according to their capacity for reflection; as well as the nature of the obstacles that hinder professional development. This action research is framed within the paradigm of evolutionary complexity, in light of the contributions of the professional knowledge model of Science teachers that includes CDC and the Complexity Hypothesis. First order (semi-structured interviews) and second order (category systems) instruments were used for the reflection analysis. The teacher presents a personal CDC that defines a particular didactic model with a dynamic and flexible character for the planning and execution of teaching. Finally, the implications for initial teacher training in Primary Education were established. The following were raised as final considerations: When studying the different components that constitute the bases of the professional knowledge of the teacher (BCPP) that informs about the Didactic Knowledge of the Content (CDC) derived from the reflection on her educational practice, we appreciate that from the theoretical perspective of the Complexity Hypothesis (Vázquez-Bernal et al., 2007a), his reflection is located between the technical and practical dimension, in other words, there are evidence of obstacles in pedagogical mediation that are faced with a certain capacity for adaptability and flexibility in the face of the unprecedented scenario of remote education of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which involved making strong efforts to prepare students for the FARO standardized tests in the fifth grade of Primary Education. In the line of knowledge of the evaluation, the results allow us to recognize that the application of these tests, beyond drawing a diagnostic representation where the levels of achievement reached in learning are located, becomes a stressful experience for both the teacher and the student. the student body, since they reiterate the measurement of the memorization capacity of school scientific contents through closed elements in an exam with a sanctioning and summative nature. Therefore, an asymmetry of power is maintained in the learning assessment process since the student body becomes a reproducer of the content provided by the teacher (Vázquez-Bernal et al., 2013a). Also, we recognize that the teacher complements the written tests with other instruments that allow her to obtain information about self-regulation in learning. These results are also similar to those obtained in the case study of a female teacher developed by Vázquez-Bernal et al. (2013b) whose results suggest that evaluation is a multifaceted matter, that is, with some more reflected edges such as the object, content, and evaluation instruments, unlike others, such as the participation of which no references were obtained in the coding.
Palabras clave
Enseñanza de las ciencias, Docencia, Actitudes, Educación primaria, Competencias del docente, Estrategias educativas, Proceso de interacción educativa, Science teaching, Teaching, Attitudes, Primary education, Teacher competencies, Educational strategies, Educational interaction process