Investigación evaluativa sobre equidad de género en educación secundaria.
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El propósito del estudio fue proponer criterios evaluativos para evidenciar la equidad de género en la educación pública de secundaria, integrando técnicas de corte cuantitativo y cualitativo, conduciendo a una perspectiva articulada en procura de modificar las brechas de género.
Se llevó a cabo una metodología mixta que inicia con un énfasis cualitativo en cuanto al análisis documental recurriendo a la recolección, análisis y reflexión de datos e indicadores de índole cuantitativos. Como técnica primordial se utilizó la entrevista abierta en conjunto con el análisis documental.
Como uno de los resultados en cuanto a la equidad se destacó que, lo relacionado con la construcción de género, no ha sido suficientemente problematizado en la educación secundaria pública y menos si se articula a un enfoque evaluativo.
La discusión sobre la equidad de género en los espacios universitarios es un campo fértil y amplio para el desarrollo de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social. De ahí procede el interés por plantear un esfuerzo investigativo que procure generar criterios de evaluación para dar cuenta de estas dinámicas educativas vistas desde la equidad de género en otros niveles de la educación nacional; integrando no sólo la medición y cuantificación mediante variables e indicadores sino también incorporar la valoración cualitativa de las condiciones equitativas o no, que se presentan en la educación de secundaria.
Estos aspectos confirman la pertinencia de cuestionar las dinámicas educativas en Costa Rica que articulen la discusión sobre la equidad de género, pero que conduzcan a una problematización más profunda acerca de la estructuración social y cultural de las desigualdades, discriminaciones y violencias amparadas al sistema patriarcal.
Un aspecto importante por destacar es la coyuntura generada por la pandemia generada por la enfermedad del COVID-19. La cual tuvo un fuerte impacto en los sistemas educativos, no solo en el caso costarricense, si no a nivel mundial: las brechas y las desigualdades quedaron al descubierto y los frágiles esfuerzos que se han realizado históricamente en función de la reducción de los mismo, se han visto comprometidos. (Cepal,2020)
Este informe presenta los resultados de una revisión crítica sobre las políticas educativas en equidad de género del sistema educativo de secundaria en Costa Rica, guiada por el siguiente cuestionamiento general:
¿De qué manera puede contribuir la evaluación social de procesos educativos a develar, en los espacios, las normas y los discursos situados en la convivencia educativa, el binomio igualdad-desigualdad, así como la naturalización e invisibilización de condiciones desiguales desde el género?
El hilo conductor que se propone no se dirige al planteamiento de respuestas sino a la formulación de interrogantes, cuya expectativa es procurar la profundización en criterios y procedimientos para la evaluación pluralista especialmente sensible a las desigualdades, discriminaciones, estereotipos y expresiones violentas relacionados con la condición de género.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to propose evaluative criteria to demonstrate gender equity in public secondary education, integrating quantitative and qualitative techniques, leading to an articulated perspective in an attempt to modify gender gaps. A mixed methodology was carried out that begins with a qualitative emphasis on documentary analysis, resorting to the collection, analysis and reflection of data and indicators of a quantitative nature. The primary technique was the open interview in conjunction with the documentary analysis. As one of the results in terms of equity, it was highlighted that, related to the construction of gender, it has not been sufficiently problematic in public secondary education and even less if it is articulated to an evaluative approach. The discussion on gender equity in university spaces is a fertile and broad field for the development of teaching, research and social action. Hence the interest in proposing a research effort that seeks to generate evaluation criteria to account for these educational dynamics seen from gender equity in other levels of national education; integrating not only the measurement and quantification through variables and indicators but also incorporating the qualitative assessment of the equitable conditions or not, which are presented in secondary education. These aspects confirm the relevance of questioning the educational dynamics in Costa Rica that articulate the discussion on gender equality, but that lead to a deeper problematization about the social and cultural structuring of inequalities, discrimination and violence protected by the patriarchal system. An important aspect to highlight is the situation generated by the pandemic generated by the COVID-19 disease. Which had a strong impact on educational systems, not only in the Costa Rican case, but also worldwide: the gaps and inequalities were exposed and the fragile efforts that have been made historically in terms of reducing them, they have been compromised. (ECLAC, 2020) This report presents the results of a critical review of educational policies on gender equity in the secondary education system in Costa Rica, guided by the following general questioning: In what way can the social evaluation of educational processes contribute to unveiling, in the spaces, norms and discourses located in the educational coexistence, the equality-inequality binomial, as well as the naturalization and invisibility of unequal conditions from gender? The guiding thread that is proposed is not directed to the proposal of answers but to the formulation of questions, whose expectation is to try to deepen criteria and procedures for pluralistic evaluation, especially sensitive to inequalities, discrimination, stereotypes and violent expressions related to the condition of genre.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to propose evaluative criteria to demonstrate gender equity in public secondary education, integrating quantitative and qualitative techniques, leading to an articulated perspective in an attempt to modify gender gaps. A mixed methodology was carried out that begins with a qualitative emphasis on documentary analysis, resorting to the collection, analysis and reflection of data and indicators of a quantitative nature. The primary technique was the open interview in conjunction with the documentary analysis. As one of the results in terms of equity, it was highlighted that, related to the construction of gender, it has not been sufficiently problematic in public secondary education and even less if it is articulated to an evaluative approach. The discussion on gender equity in university spaces is a fertile and broad field for the development of teaching, research and social action. Hence the interest in proposing a research effort that seeks to generate evaluation criteria to account for these educational dynamics seen from gender equity in other levels of national education; integrating not only the measurement and quantification through variables and indicators but also incorporating the qualitative assessment of the equitable conditions or not, which are presented in secondary education. These aspects confirm the relevance of questioning the educational dynamics in Costa Rica that articulate the discussion on gender equality, but that lead to a deeper problematization about the social and cultural structuring of inequalities, discrimination and violence protected by the patriarchal system. An important aspect to highlight is the situation generated by the pandemic generated by the COVID-19 disease. Which had a strong impact on educational systems, not only in the Costa Rican case, but also worldwide: the gaps and inequalities were exposed and the fragile efforts that have been made historically in terms of reducing them, they have been compromised. (ECLAC, 2020) This report presents the results of a critical review of educational policies on gender equity in the secondary education system in Costa Rica, guided by the following general questioning: In what way can the social evaluation of educational processes contribute to unveiling, in the spaces, norms and discourses located in the educational coexistence, the equality-inequality binomial, as well as the naturalization and invisibility of unequal conditions from gender? The guiding thread that is proposed is not directed to the proposal of answers but to the formulation of questions, whose expectation is to try to deepen criteria and procedures for pluralistic evaluation, especially sensitive to inequalities, discrimination, stereotypes and violent expressions related to the condition of genre.
Palabras clave
Educación secundaria, Sistema educativo costarricense, Evaluación, Equidad, Igualdad de género, Secondary education, Costa Rican educational system, Evaluation, Equity, Gender equality