Lineamientos metodológicos para fortalecer la relación hogar-escuela y su contextualización, de parte del sector docente que trabaja con grupos étnicos indígenas: el caso de la población Cabécar de Chirripó.
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Los lineamientos metodológicos para fortalecer la relación entre hogar-escuela y su contextualización, de parte del sector docente que trabaja con grupos étnicos indígenas: el caso de la población Cabécar de Chirripó, son producto de la triangulación de los datos recopilados con las personas participantes en la investigación denominada “Acercamiento al proceso de socialización de la población infantil cabécar de Chirripó”, desarrollada desde el Instituto de Investigación en Educación. Esta propuesta tiene como propósito constituirse en un insumo para la población docente, que asuma el desafío de comprometerse en la integración de las familias en los procesos educativos para procurar el beneficio del estudiantado. Se plantea 11 lineamientos metodológicos para fortalecer la relación hogar-escuela y su contextualización, de parte del sector docente que trabaja con grupos étnicos indígenas, centrándose en el caso de la población cábecar de Chirripó. Cada lineamiento tiene un nombre que sugiere una temática particular; se plantea también un enunciado que justifica la necesidad y estrategias que la persona docente puede desarrollar en su accionar en el ámbito comunal, familiar, institucional y de aula, para favorecer la vinculación hogar-escuela. Se incluye también una recomendación bibliográfica que aborda la temática indígena para favorecer la profundización en esta.
ABSTRACT: The methodological guidelines for strengthening the home-school relationship and its contextualization as part of the education sector working with ethnic indigenous groups: The Case of the Cábecar Population of Chirripó are the result of triangulation of the data collected with the research participants called "Approach to the Socialization Process of the Child Cábecar Population of Chirripó" which was developed from the Research Institute in Education. The purpose of this proposal is to become an input for teachers who take on the challenge of integrating families to the educational process in order to benefit the student body. 11 methodological guidelines are considered to strengthen the home-school relationship and its contextualization as part of the education sector working with ethnic indigenous groups focusing on Cábecar population of Chirripó. Each guideline has a name that suggests a particular subject; a statement that justifies the need and strategies are also proposed which the individual teacher can develop at the community, family, institutional, and classroom level to encourage the home-school bond. A bibliographical recommendation is also included which deals with indigenous issues to promote a deeper look into them.
ABSTRACT: The methodological guidelines for strengthening the home-school relationship and its contextualization as part of the education sector working with ethnic indigenous groups: The Case of the Cábecar Population of Chirripó are the result of triangulation of the data collected with the research participants called "Approach to the Socialization Process of the Child Cábecar Population of Chirripó" which was developed from the Research Institute in Education. The purpose of this proposal is to become an input for teachers who take on the challenge of integrating families to the educational process in order to benefit the student body. 11 methodological guidelines are considered to strengthen the home-school relationship and its contextualization as part of the education sector working with ethnic indigenous groups focusing on Cábecar population of Chirripó. Each guideline has a name that suggests a particular subject; a statement that justifies the need and strategies are also proposed which the individual teacher can develop at the community, family, institutional, and classroom level to encourage the home-school bond. A bibliographical recommendation is also included which deals with indigenous issues to promote a deeper look into them.
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