Foro Calidad de la Educación: Un reto para la sociedad costarricense.
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Este proyecto de extensión docente pretendió, como objetivo principal, analizar la calidad de la educación
desde las diferentes perspectivas de grupos sociales: autoridades del Ministerio de Educación Pública, Instituciones públicas y privadas de formación docente, educadoras y educadores en servicio, padres y madres, estudiantes, gremios, sindicatos, colegios profesionales, cámaras de industria y comercio, entre otros.
El proyecto logró alcanzar el 100% de los objetivos y metas establecidas en la propuesta. Se realizaron cinco
foros, todos con el mismo título, pero desde perspectivas diferentes como se detallan a continuación:
• Desde la perspectiva de las autoridades educativas.
• Desde la perspectiva de educadores y educadoras en servicio.
• Desde la perspectiva de la comunidad educativa.
• Desde la perspectiva de la sociedad civil.
• Desde la perspectiva de diferentes sectores sociales.
Los foros programados lograron promover un intercambio de criterios sobre teorías y prácticas que afectan
de manera positiva el quehacer educativo y permiten valorar al ser humano y a la sociedad que se pretende
formar y transformar.
Asimismo, esta actividad permitió tomar conciencia del compromiso de todos los sectores sociales en el mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación, pues no se trata de un desafío o reto de unos pocos, como a veces se piensa, sino de todos los que conformamos la sociedad costarricense, esta visión coincide con las propuestas externadas por todos los participantes en los foros, quienes insisten que se trata de una labor conjunta y dialogada.
Durante estos foros se tuvo la oportunidad de escuchar diferentes posiciones, criterios y propuestas por parte de autoridades educativas, personal docente en servicio, estudiantes de los niveles de educación primaria y secundaria, madres y padres de familia, así como representantes de los gremios y de la sociedad civil, quienes brindaron aportes significativos para transformar la educación que se desarrolla en nuestro país
ABSTRACT: As its main objective, this teacher extension project aimed to analyze the quality of education from the different perspectives of social groups: authorities of the Ministry of Public Education, public and private institutions for teacher training, educators in service, parents, students, unions, trade unions, professional associations, chambers of industry and commerce, among others. The project achieved 100 per cent of the objectives and targets set out in the proposal. Five forums were carried out all with the same title but from different perspectives as detailed below: • From the perspective of educational authorities. • From the perspective of educators in service. • From the perspective educational community. • From the perspective of civil society. • From the perspective of different social sectors. The programmed forums were able to promote an exchange of criteria on theories and practices that positively affect education and make it possible to assess the human being and society that intends to shape and transform. In addition, this activity allowed to take notice of the commitment of all social sectors for the improvement of the quality of education because this is not about a challenge of a few as is sometimes considered but the entire Costa Rican population. This vision coincides with the proposal expressed by all the participants in the forum who insist that this is joint work and dialogue. During these forums, we had the opportunity to listen to different positions, criteria and proposals from educational authorities, teaching staff in service, primary and secondary level students, parents, as well as union and civil society representatives, all of which gave significant contributions to transform education in our country.
ABSTRACT: As its main objective, this teacher extension project aimed to analyze the quality of education from the different perspectives of social groups: authorities of the Ministry of Public Education, public and private institutions for teacher training, educators in service, parents, students, unions, trade unions, professional associations, chambers of industry and commerce, among others. The project achieved 100 per cent of the objectives and targets set out in the proposal. Five forums were carried out all with the same title but from different perspectives as detailed below: • From the perspective of educational authorities. • From the perspective of educators in service. • From the perspective educational community. • From the perspective of civil society. • From the perspective of different social sectors. The programmed forums were able to promote an exchange of criteria on theories and practices that positively affect education and make it possible to assess the human being and society that intends to shape and transform. In addition, this activity allowed to take notice of the commitment of all social sectors for the improvement of the quality of education because this is not about a challenge of a few as is sometimes considered but the entire Costa Rican population. This vision coincides with the proposal expressed by all the participants in the forum who insist that this is joint work and dialogue. During these forums, we had the opportunity to listen to different positions, criteria and proposals from educational authorities, teaching staff in service, primary and secondary level students, parents, as well as union and civil society representatives, all of which gave significant contributions to transform education in our country.
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