La violencia simbólica entretejida en la enseñanza del derecho penal en la Universidad de Costa Rica.
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Investigación que propone como objetivo central la construcción del concepto violencia simbólica ejercida
sobre el género femenino (vsgf), con el fin de “visibilizar” la práctica de subordinación-dominio dirigida hacia
la mujer, específicamente en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje del Derecho Penal en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esto para evidenciar el problema y para fomentar una política educativa universitaria fundamentada en la equidad de los géneros. Para conseguir el objetivo central, la investigadora realizó un análisis de los antecedentes históricos del Derecho en los que se basa el ordenamiento jurídico occidental (Código de Hammurabi,
las Leyes de Manú, las de los Patriarcas Hebreos y las de la época feudal hasta el siglo XIX), para determinar cómo estos códigos legales se fundamentaron en una lógica patriarcal (justificada por la normalidad) que subordina lo femenino. De igual forma, realiza un estudio sobre los inicios del pensamiento filosófico en la Antigüedad y la construcción del logos o discurso (instrumento racional interpretativo del acontecer en la realidad), creado por los hombres desde la perspectiva de la superioridad masculina, el cual produce y reproduce la estructura de dominación masculina con respecto de la subordinación femenina. Lo anterior para plantear que el discurso jurídico penal obedece a una historia y a una serie de parámetros creados por una lógica racional del dominio masculino (andro-logocentrista) que discrimina y excluye lo femenino de la construcción de los distintos órdenes simbólicos. Esta práctica se extiende hasta nuestros días por medio del aparato escolar (espacio que establece las normas de comunicación) y el lenguaje, pues ambos reproducen el conjunto de representaciones simbólico socioculturales que legitiman la dominación masculina y constituyen la vsgf.
ABSTRACT: Research that proposes as a central objective the construction of the concept of symbolic violence exerted on the female gender (vsgf), in order to "make visible" the practice of subordination-domain directed towards women, specifically in the teaching-learning process of Criminal Law at the University of Costa Rica. This is to demonstrate the problem and to promote a university education policy based on gender equity. To achieve the central objective, the research carried out an analysis of the historical background of the Law on which the western legal system is based (Code of Hammurabi, The Laws of Manu, Those of the Hebrew Patriarchs and those of the feudal era until the 19th century ), to determine how these legal codes are based on a patriarchal logic (justified by normality) that subordinates the feminine. In the same way, I carry out a study on the beginnings of philosophical thought in antiquity and the construction of logos or discourse (rational interpretive instrument of the event in reality), created by men from the perspective of male superiority, which produces and reproduce the structure of male domination with respect to female subordination. The foregoing to state that the criminal legal discourse obeys a history and a series of parameters created by a rational logic of the male (andro-logocentrist) domain that discriminates and excludes the feminine from the construction of the different symbolic commands. This practice extends to the present day through the school device (space that establishes the norms of communication) and language, since both reproduce the set of symbolic sociocultural representations that legitimize male domination and establish the vsgf.
ABSTRACT: Research that proposes as a central objective the construction of the concept of symbolic violence exerted on the female gender (vsgf), in order to "make visible" the practice of subordination-domain directed towards women, specifically in the teaching-learning process of Criminal Law at the University of Costa Rica. This is to demonstrate the problem and to promote a university education policy based on gender equity. To achieve the central objective, the research carried out an analysis of the historical background of the Law on which the western legal system is based (Code of Hammurabi, The Laws of Manu, Those of the Hebrew Patriarchs and those of the feudal era until the 19th century ), to determine how these legal codes are based on a patriarchal logic (justified by normality) that subordinates the feminine. In the same way, I carry out a study on the beginnings of philosophical thought in antiquity and the construction of logos or discourse (rational interpretive instrument of the event in reality), created by men from the perspective of male superiority, which produces and reproduce the structure of male domination with respect to female subordination. The foregoing to state that the criminal legal discourse obeys a history and a series of parameters created by a rational logic of the male (andro-logocentrist) domain that discriminates and excludes the feminine from the construction of the different symbolic commands. This practice extends to the present day through the school device (space that establishes the norms of communication) and language, since both reproduce the set of symbolic sociocultural representations that legitimize male domination and establish the vsgf.
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