Características y efecto del uso de las TIC en estudiantes de educación primera y media (público y privada) del país.
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Esta investigación estudia el acceso, uso, tenencia y actitudes hacia las tecnologías digitales en estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria, de los sectores público y privado del país; tal propósito se planteó con el fin de establecer una primera línea base para identificar y generar propuestas de acción estratégicas que mejoren el uso e impacto de estas tecnologías en el sistema educativo costarricense.
En alianza con la Dirección de Recursos Tecnológicos del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP), se da continuidad al proceso investigativo relacionado con el Primer Censo Nacional en Tecnologías Digitales y Educación, cuya población participante fue de docentes, directores, técnicos docentes y administrativos de la educación pública del país. En el ámbito de la educación privada se empleó un sondeo a docentes y directores. Este Censo permitió identificar una serie de características sobre la tenencia, el uso, el acceso y las actitudes (esta última en población de estudiantes de secundaria) hacia las tecnologías digitales en las diversas poblaciones mencionadas, siendo la primera investigación de esta magnitud, pues integró a la totalidad de la población de centros educativos públicos.
Como resultado del proyecto mencionado, se elaboró una encuesta por muestreo a estudiantes de centros públicos y privados de todo el país, por medio de hojas de lectora óptica. En total, participaron 5.462 estudiantes de sexto año de primaria y 12.007 de décimo año de secundaria o en el IIIer Nivel de Institutos de Educación Comunitaria (IPEC) y de Centros Integrados de Educación de Adultos (CINDEA). En la población de estudiantes de primaria, se hicieron preguntas relacionadas con el tipo de tecnología que poseen y utilizan, del Internet y de programas informáticos que conocen, y sobre el uso de la tecnología en el centro educativo. Para la población estudiantil de secundaria, se agregaron preguntas sobre actitudes y necesidades.
Entre los principales resultados se encuentra que 67,63% del estudiantado de primaria posee computadora portátil en casa. Además, casi un 89% tiene un teléfono celular y un 86%, aproximadamente, tiene un teléfono inteligente. También, casi un 70% de la población indica que usa la computadora en la escuela (al menos una vez por semana), y, aproximadamente, un 35% indica que usa el Internet de la escuela al menos una vez por semana.
En cuanto a las personas estudiantes de secundaria, el dispositivo con mayor frecuencia de tenencia es el teléfono celular; más del 95% tiene uno. La actividad que se reporta con más frecuenia de uso en el dispositivo celular es participar en redes sociales (85,94%), siendo WhatsApp la que más usan, con casi el 95%; seguida por Facebook (90%) e Instagram (69%). En relación con las actitudes, el 87% de esta población indica estar entre muy de acuerdo y de acuerdo en que aprender a trabajar con los medios digitales ayuda a pensar en nuevas formas de resolver problemas; 85% considera que la utilización de las tecnologías digitales como la multimedia y la programación puede ayudarles a comprender conceptos difíciles de adquirir por otros medios, y más del 80% opina que los profesores deberían utilizar las tecnologías digitales para facilitar el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes.
ABSTRACT: This research studies the access, use, possession and attitudes towards digital technologies in students of primary and secondary education, from the public and private sectors of the country; this purpose was raised in order to establish a first baseline to identify and generate proposals for strategic action to improve the use and impact of these technologies in the Costa Rican educational system. In alliance with the Directorate of Technological Resources of the Ministery of Public Education (MEP), the investigative process related to the First National Census on Digital Technologies and Education is continued, participating population was teachers, directors, teaching technicians and administrators of the public education of the country. In the field of private education, a survey of teachers and principals was taken into account. This Census will identify a series of characteristics on the possession, use, access and attitudes (the latter in the population of secondary school students) towards digital technologies in the various populations mentioned, being the first investigation of this magnitude, since it integrated to the entire population of public educational centers. As a result of the aforementioned project, a sample survey was carried out among students from public and private schools throughout the country, using optical reading sheets. In total, 5,462 students in the sixth year of primary school and 12,007 in the tenth year of secondary school or in Level III of Community Education Institutes (IPEC) and Integrated Adult Education Centers (CINDEA) participated. In the population of primary school students, questions were asked related to the type of technology they possess and use, the Internet and computer programs they know, and about the use of technology in the educational center. For the high school student population, questions about attitudes and needs were added. Among the main results is that 67.63% of primary school students posses a laptop at home. In addition, almost 89% have a cell phone and approximately 86% have a smartphone. Also, almost 70% of the population indicates that they use the computer at school (at least once a week), and approximately 35% indicate that they use the school's Internet at least once a week. As for high school students, the device with the highest frequency of possession is the cell phone; more than 95% have one. The activity that is reported with the most frequency of use on the mobile device is participating in social networks (85.94%), being WhatsApp the one they use the most, with almost 95%; followed by Facebook (90%) and Instagram (69%). Regarding attitudes, 87% of this population indicates that they strongly agree and agree that learning to work with digital media helps them to think of new ways of solving problems; 85% believe that the use of digital technologies such as multimedia and programming can help them understand concepts that are difficult to acquire by other means, and more than 80% believe that teachers should use digital technologies to facilitate their students' learning.
ABSTRACT: This research studies the access, use, possession and attitudes towards digital technologies in students of primary and secondary education, from the public and private sectors of the country; this purpose was raised in order to establish a first baseline to identify and generate proposals for strategic action to improve the use and impact of these technologies in the Costa Rican educational system. In alliance with the Directorate of Technological Resources of the Ministery of Public Education (MEP), the investigative process related to the First National Census on Digital Technologies and Education is continued, participating population was teachers, directors, teaching technicians and administrators of the public education of the country. In the field of private education, a survey of teachers and principals was taken into account. This Census will identify a series of characteristics on the possession, use, access and attitudes (the latter in the population of secondary school students) towards digital technologies in the various populations mentioned, being the first investigation of this magnitude, since it integrated to the entire population of public educational centers. As a result of the aforementioned project, a sample survey was carried out among students from public and private schools throughout the country, using optical reading sheets. In total, 5,462 students in the sixth year of primary school and 12,007 in the tenth year of secondary school or in Level III of Community Education Institutes (IPEC) and Integrated Adult Education Centers (CINDEA) participated. In the population of primary school students, questions were asked related to the type of technology they possess and use, the Internet and computer programs they know, and about the use of technology in the educational center. For the high school student population, questions about attitudes and needs were added. Among the main results is that 67.63% of primary school students posses a laptop at home. In addition, almost 89% have a cell phone and approximately 86% have a smartphone. Also, almost 70% of the population indicates that they use the computer at school (at least once a week), and approximately 35% indicate that they use the school's Internet at least once a week. As for high school students, the device with the highest frequency of possession is the cell phone; more than 95% have one. The activity that is reported with the most frequency of use on the mobile device is participating in social networks (85.94%), being WhatsApp the one they use the most, with almost 95%; followed by Facebook (90%) and Instagram (69%). Regarding attitudes, 87% of this population indicates that they strongly agree and agree that learning to work with digital media helps them to think of new ways of solving problems; 85% believe that the use of digital technologies such as multimedia and programming can help them understand concepts that are difficult to acquire by other means, and more than 80% believe that teachers should use digital technologies to facilitate their students' learning.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de las comunicaciones, Tecnología de la información, Tecnología educativa, Educación primaria, Educación secundaria, Educación básica, Communication technologies, Information technology, Educational technology, Primary education, Secondary education, Basic education