Educación inclusiva desde la perspectiva de las personas que han cursado la carrea de educación primaria, una mirada a los programas y la realidad práctica en la Escuela de Formación Docente de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
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La globalización, las transformaciones sociales hacia comunidades más heterogéneas y la reivindicación de derechos para las poblaciones vulnerables en los entornos educativos, obliga a los centros de formación a ofrecer a las personas docentes competencias que les permitan generar una educación inclusiva que parta de la valoración y el reconocimiento positivo de la diversidad. En sintonía con esta apreciación, el presente proyecto consiste en una investigación de corte cualitativo, de tipo fenomenológico que se plantea como objetivo analizar la formación en educación inclusiva de la carrera de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Costa Rica presente en los programas de la carrera, así como las percepciones sobre la educación inclusiva que ha construido el estudiantado que los ha cursado. Para cumplir con este propósito se ha desarrollado un grupo focal y una entrevista a profundidad a 10 personas graduadas de la carrera de Educación Primaria que ha cursado el plan de estudios vigente. Aunado a ello se realizó un análisis de contenido sobre los programas de estudio de los cursos planteados en la malla curricular a fin de encontrar coincidencias y divergencias entre las percepciones del profesorado graduado de la carrera en su realidad práctica y la información planteada en los programas de curso que ellos y ellas llevaron en su formación. Con respecto a los hallazgos se encuentra que en los programas de curso destacan tres categorías de contenidos vinculados con la educación inclusiva en 17 de los 42 cursos de la carrera de Bachillerato en Educación Primaria. Estas categorías consisten en la educación intercultural, la atención a la diversidad y los derechos humanos. En relación con la percepción del profesorado se destaca que la percepción del profesorado en torno a la atención a la diversidad estudiantil, el concepto que forma de la educación inclusiva como un entorno de participación activa de todo el estudiantado en el que cada persona desarrolla un alto sentido de pertenencia. Además, el profesorado analiza su rol docente como garante de la educación inclusiva en su espacio de aula, gestando entornos libres de discriminación y promotores de equidad reconociendo y valorando las diversidades en su grupo estudiantil. Así mismo, el profesorado describe los obstáculos para el alcance de la educación inclusiva centrándose en las barreras relacionadas con la falta de formación técnica para la atención estudiantil cuando se presentan condiciones específicas, la rigidez del sistema educativo tradicional y la falta de recursos humanos para la cooperación interdisciplinaria. Finalmente, el profesorado analiza la educación inclusiva como una realidad por encima de una utopía, que depende de la lucha diaria de quienes asuman una voluntad política por ser fiel a los principios de equidad, democracia y justicia en una educación que debe cubrir a toda la ciudadanía con la misma calidad.
ABSTRACT: Globalization, social transformations towards more heterogeneous communities and the claim of rights for vulnerable populations in educational settings, force training centers to offer teachers skills that allow them to generate an inclusive education that starts from the assessment and positive recognition of diversity. In tune with this appreciation, the present project consists of a qualitative investigation, of a phenomenological type, whose objective is to analyze the training in inclusive education of the Primary Education career of the University of Costa Rica present in the programs of the career , as well as the perceptions about inclusive education that the student body that has studied them has built. To fulfill this purpose, a focus group and an in-depth interview with 10 graduates of the Primary Education career who have completed the current curriculum have been developed. In addition to this, a content analysis was carried out on the study programs of the courses proposed in the curriculum in order to find coincidences and differences between the perceptions of the graduate professors of the career in their practical reality and the information proposed in the programs of study. course that they and they led in their training. Regarding the findings, it is found that in the course programs three categories of content related to inclusive education stand out in 17 of the 42 courses of the Baccalaureate degree in Primary Education. These categories consist of intercultural education, attention to diversity and human rights. In relation to the perception of the teaching staff, it is highlighted that the perception of the teaching staff regarding the attention to student diversity, the concept that forms inclusive education as an environment of active participation of the entire student body in which each person develops a high sense of belonging. In addition, the teachers analyze their teaching role as guarantors of inclusive education in their classroom space, creating environments free of discrimination and promoters of equity, recognizing and valuing the diversities in their student group. Likewise, the teachers describe the obstacles to the scope of inclusive education, focusing on the barriers related to the lack of technical training for student care when specific conditions are present, the rigidity of the traditional educational system and the lack of human resources for education. interdisciplinary cooperation. Finally, the teaching staff analyzes inclusive education as a reality above a utopia, which depends on the daily struggle of those who assume a political will to be faithful to the principles of equity, democracy and justice in an education that must cover the entire population. citizenship with the same quality.
ABSTRACT: Globalization, social transformations towards more heterogeneous communities and the claim of rights for vulnerable populations in educational settings, force training centers to offer teachers skills that allow them to generate an inclusive education that starts from the assessment and positive recognition of diversity. In tune with this appreciation, the present project consists of a qualitative investigation, of a phenomenological type, whose objective is to analyze the training in inclusive education of the Primary Education career of the University of Costa Rica present in the programs of the career , as well as the perceptions about inclusive education that the student body that has studied them has built. To fulfill this purpose, a focus group and an in-depth interview with 10 graduates of the Primary Education career who have completed the current curriculum have been developed. In addition to this, a content analysis was carried out on the study programs of the courses proposed in the curriculum in order to find coincidences and differences between the perceptions of the graduate professors of the career in their practical reality and the information proposed in the programs of study. course that they and they led in their training. Regarding the findings, it is found that in the course programs three categories of content related to inclusive education stand out in 17 of the 42 courses of the Baccalaureate degree in Primary Education. These categories consist of intercultural education, attention to diversity and human rights. In relation to the perception of the teaching staff, it is highlighted that the perception of the teaching staff regarding the attention to student diversity, the concept that forms inclusive education as an environment of active participation of the entire student body in which each person develops a high sense of belonging. In addition, the teachers analyze their teaching role as guarantors of inclusive education in their classroom space, creating environments free of discrimination and promoters of equity, recognizing and valuing the diversities in their student group. Likewise, the teachers describe the obstacles to the scope of inclusive education, focusing on the barriers related to the lack of technical training for student care when specific conditions are present, the rigidity of the traditional educational system and the lack of human resources for education. interdisciplinary cooperation. Finally, the teaching staff analyzes inclusive education as a reality above a utopia, which depends on the daily struggle of those who assume a political will to be faithful to the principles of equity, democracy and justice in an education that must cover the entire population. citizenship with the same quality.
Palabras clave
Educación, Derecho a la educación, Diversidad cultural, Igualdad de oportunidades, Education, Right to education, Cultural diversity, Equal opportunities