Rasgos de sentido de vida del enfoque de resiliencia en personas adultas mayores de 65 a 75 años.
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En este informe se planteó el problema a investigar con la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuáles rasgos de sentido de
vida propuestos por el enfoque de resiliencia han tenido durante sus vidas las personas mayores de 65 a 75
años? A partir de ahí se buscó cumplir los siguientes objetivos:
• Identificar en las personas mayores de 65 a 75 años los rasgos de sentido de vida, propuestos por el
enfoque de resiliencia, que han tenido durante sus vidas para relacionarlos con los que presentan en la
• Con base en los hallazgos, elaborar un manual dirigido a profesionales de Orientación, que incluya herramientas para favorecer la clarificación del significado de vida de las personas con quienes trabajan.
Participaron ocho personas en el estudio, cuatro varones y cuatro mujeres, de edades entre 65 y 73 años, fueron personas funcionales e independientes.
Los principios teórico-metodológicos que guiaron esta investigación son los del paradigma cualitativo. Se
deseaba conocer detalladamente la vivencia de la persona mayor en relación con los rasgos de sentido de vida del enfoque de resiliencia. Se tomó como fundamento, con pequeñas modificaciones, el modelo que presenta Antón de Schutter para la investigación cualitativa, organizado en cuatro etapas.
Como conclusiones se describen los rasgos de sentido de vida de las personas participantes en las siguientes motivaciones: Intereses especiales, metas, motivación para el logro, aspiraciones educativas, optimismo, persistencia, fe y espiritualidad y sentido de propósito.
Las inve stigadoras recomiendan, desde la disciplina de Orientación la necesidad de diseñar, ejecutar y evaluar estrategias de orientación sobre los rasgos de sentido de vida del enfoque de resiliencia dirigidas a diferentes poblaciones, que permitan promover en las personas la clarificación de la intencionalidad de sus vidas, para que así puedan llegar a las etapas posteriores con condiciones optimizadas para un adecuado bienestar.
ABSTRACT: This report established the problem based on the following question: Which lifestyle traits from a resilience approach have people over 65 to 75 years of age had in their lives? From there, the following objectives were set: • Identify lifestyle traits in people over 65 to 75 proposed by a resilience approach, which they have had throughout their lives, in order to relate them with those they currently have. • Based on the findings, a manual would be prepared for counseling professionals which includes tools to clarify the meaning of life of those which whom they work with. Eight people participated in the study, four males and four females between the ages of 65 and 73 were functional and independent people. The theoretical-methodological principles that guided this research are of the qualitative paradigm. There was a desire to know in detail the experience of the older person in relation to the lifestyle traits from a resilience approach. With on small modifications, the model presented by Anton De Schutter for qualitative research, which was organized in four stages, was taken as the basis of the research. The conclusions describe the lifestyle traits of the participants in the following motivations: special interests, goals, motivation for achievement, educational aspirations, optimism, persistence, faith and spirituality, and sense of purpose. The researchers recommend from the perspective of the Orientation field the need to design, execute, and evaluate counseling strategies on the lifestyle traits from a resilience approach aimed at different populations that would allow for people to clarify their purpose in life so that they can reach the older stages in optimal conditions for an adequate well-being.
ABSTRACT: This report established the problem based on the following question: Which lifestyle traits from a resilience approach have people over 65 to 75 years of age had in their lives? From there, the following objectives were set: • Identify lifestyle traits in people over 65 to 75 proposed by a resilience approach, which they have had throughout their lives, in order to relate them with those they currently have. • Based on the findings, a manual would be prepared for counseling professionals which includes tools to clarify the meaning of life of those which whom they work with. Eight people participated in the study, four males and four females between the ages of 65 and 73 were functional and independent people. The theoretical-methodological principles that guided this research are of the qualitative paradigm. There was a desire to know in detail the experience of the older person in relation to the lifestyle traits from a resilience approach. With on small modifications, the model presented by Anton De Schutter for qualitative research, which was organized in four stages, was taken as the basis of the research. The conclusions describe the lifestyle traits of the participants in the following motivations: special interests, goals, motivation for achievement, educational aspirations, optimism, persistence, faith and spirituality, and sense of purpose. The researchers recommend from the perspective of the Orientation field the need to design, execute, and evaluate counseling strategies on the lifestyle traits from a resilience approach aimed at different populations that would allow for people to clarify their purpose in life so that they can reach the older stages in optimal conditions for an adequate well-being.
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