Hacia una cartografía de prácticas de educación inmersiva en el siglo XXI y su apropiación en América Latina.
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El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer una cartografìa del ecosistema de las prácticas de educación inmersiva en el siglo XXI y su apropiación en América Latina. Este proyecto se propuso como una investigación descriptiva interdisciplinaria básica. Interdisciplinaria porque combina al menos 3 perspectivas de análisis que permiten profundizar y evaluar las prácticas educativas inmersivas que se seleccionen más allá de su simple descripción y que posibilitarán desde esa interdisciplinariedad tener una aproximación metodología cualitativa basada en el análisis de casos como base para la elaboración de observaciones y conclusiones generales. Los alcances de estos casos de estudio permitirían establecer y refinar taxonomías, comprender la conformación de ecosistema(s) de prácticas de educación inmersiva y de esta forma brindar una validación, no a nivel estadístico, sino a nivel analítico, comparativo, etc de los fenómenos estudiados en diferentes partes de América Latina y el mundo. Algunas de las conclusiones de la investigación son las siguientes: Si bien las tecnologías XR aplicadas a procesos de enseñanza se viene desarrollando desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, en los últimos cinco años se ha acelerado la adopción de estas tecnologías en diferentes sectores o industrias a nivel global. Hay varias organizaciones a nivel mundial que funcionan como redes de investigadores que también tienen conexión con desarrolladores de contenido XR, profesionales y agencias de servicios digitales. Esta alianza entre la academia, la industria y los distribuidores de contenido inmersivo se han fortalecido en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID 19 durante la cual se ha acelerado la apropiación o adopción de entornos inmersivos de aprendizaje tanto para los sectores formales de educación como para sectores industriales que buscan soluciones a sus capacitaciones, mantenimiento de equipo y teletrabajo. Sería conveniente que el Insituto de Investigación en Educación valore asociarse a las redes latinoamericanas que se se han estudiado en este trabajo tales como Immersive Learning Research Network, Immersive Education Initiative, VR First Initiative, Virtual reality Augmented Reality Association, Global XR Alliance que conectan tanto a desarrolladores de contenidos XR y transmedia como a prestigiosas universidades en más de 160 países alrededor del mundo. A pesar de que ya hay capítulos de algunas de ellas en varios países latinoamericanos, aún Costa Rica no participa ni en los encuentros, ni en las discusiones académicas de las cuatro universidades públicas del país se ha logrado establecer una red de investigación en XR que aporte a los procesos de aprendizaje formales o informales. Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile y México lideran en la generación de plataformas, apps, juegos educativos o materiales didácticos donde se utiliza la realidad virtual y aumentada u otras aplicaciones XR en América Latina.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to establish a mapping of the ecosystem of immersive education practices in the 21st century and its appropriation in Latin America. This project was proposed as a basic interdisciplinary descriptive investigation. Interdisciplinary because it combines at least 3 perspectives of analysis that allow deepening and evaluating the immersive educational practices that are selected beyond their simple description and that will make it possible from this interdisciplinarity to have a qualitative methodology approach based on the analysis of cases as the basis for the elaboration of General observations and conclusions. The scope of these case studies would allow establishing and refining taxonomies, understanding the conformation of the ecosystem(s) of immersive education practices and thus providing validation, not at a statistical level, but at an analytical, comparative level, etc. of the phenomena. He studied in different parts of Latin America and the world. Some of the conclusions of the research are the following: Although XR technologies applied to teaching processes have been developed for approximately two decades, in the last five years the adoption of these technologies has accelerated in different sectors or industries worldwide. global. There are several organizations worldwide that function as networks of researchers that also have connections with XR content developers, professionals, and service agencies. digital. This alliance between academia, industry and immersive content distributors have been strengthened in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, during which the appropriation or adoption of immersive learning environments has accelerated both for the formal education sectors and for industrial sectors looking for solutions to their training, equipment maintenance and teleworking. It would be convenient for the Institute for Research in Education to consider associating with the Latin American networks that have been studied in this work, such as the Immersive Learning Research Network, Immersive Education Initiative, VR First Initiative, Virtual reality Augmented Reality Association, Global XR Alliance that connect both XR and transmedia content developers as well as prestigious universities in more than 160 countries around the world. Despite the fact that there are already chapters of some of them in several Latin American countries, Costa Rica still does not participate in the meetings or in the academic discussions of the four public universities in the country. It has been possible to establish an XR research network that contributes to formal or informal learning processes. Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Mexico lead the generation of platforms, apps, educational games or teaching materials where virtual and augmented reality or other XR applications are used in Latin America.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to establish a mapping of the ecosystem of immersive education practices in the 21st century and its appropriation in Latin America. This project was proposed as a basic interdisciplinary descriptive investigation. Interdisciplinary because it combines at least 3 perspectives of analysis that allow deepening and evaluating the immersive educational practices that are selected beyond their simple description and that will make it possible from this interdisciplinarity to have a qualitative methodology approach based on the analysis of cases as the basis for the elaboration of General observations and conclusions. The scope of these case studies would allow establishing and refining taxonomies, understanding the conformation of the ecosystem(s) of immersive education practices and thus providing validation, not at a statistical level, but at an analytical, comparative level, etc. of the phenomena. He studied in different parts of Latin America and the world. Some of the conclusions of the research are the following: Although XR technologies applied to teaching processes have been developed for approximately two decades, in the last five years the adoption of these technologies has accelerated in different sectors or industries worldwide. global. There are several organizations worldwide that function as networks of researchers that also have connections with XR content developers, professionals, and service agencies. digital. This alliance between academia, industry and immersive content distributors have been strengthened in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, during which the appropriation or adoption of immersive learning environments has accelerated both for the formal education sectors and for industrial sectors looking for solutions to their training, equipment maintenance and teleworking. It would be convenient for the Institute for Research in Education to consider associating with the Latin American networks that have been studied in this work, such as the Immersive Learning Research Network, Immersive Education Initiative, VR First Initiative, Virtual reality Augmented Reality Association, Global XR Alliance that connect both XR and transmedia content developers as well as prestigious universities in more than 160 countries around the world. Despite the fact that there are already chapters of some of them in several Latin American countries, Costa Rica still does not participate in the meetings or in the academic discussions of the four public universities in the country. It has been possible to establish an XR research network that contributes to formal or informal learning processes. Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Mexico lead the generation of platforms, apps, educational games or teaching materials where virtual and augmented reality or other XR applications are used in Latin America.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje activo, Educación, Enseñanza, Acceso a la educación, Active learning, Education, Teaching, Access to education