Un entrenamiento legal para el nuevo milenio. Condiciones que afectan el proceso de transmisión-adquisición de cultura en un contexto escolar urbano.
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El objetivo principal de este estudio es sistematizar los procesos socioculturales que caracterizan el proyecto educativo oficial costarricense en sus manifestaciones dentro de un contexto escolar urbano específico, tal y como son vividos y sentidos por los respectivos actores sociales. Además, se plantea la necesidad de visualizar la relación entre el estudiante, su mundo y lo que este le significa, y el sistema que se encarga de educarlo conforme a un plan oficial homogéneo. La investigación recoge 60
información sobre la situación de la vida cotidiana del sujeto en el ámbito escolar; cómo se relaciona, siente y piensa lo que transmite y adquiere, y la manera en que compone y recompone su orden cultural. Para este fin se utiliza una metodología cualitativa y se parte del método etnográfico para elaborar los distintos instrumentos: encuesta etnográfica, observación intuitiva o sistemática, observación participante, observación estructurada y entrevista focalizada. La población del estudio comprende dos grupos (el primero con 15 niñas y 18 niños, y el segundo con 13 niñas y 21 niños) con agentes jóvenes de entre los diez y los doce años de una escuela urbana del distrito de Hatillo (Escuela Jorge Debravo).
Según el autor, del estudio se desprenden varias observaciones. Entre ellas resalta el hecho de que la cotidianidad escolar favorece los patrones culturales que se dictan desde la confianza en la razón y se desfavorecen los que emanan de un humanismo establecido en el placer de la vida en la educación. Esta forma de guiar la clase renuncia al placer y transforma su represión en algo racional para poder tener acceso al desarrollo y mantenimiento de la cultura que otorga significados al mundo convencional. La labor docente se perfila como un hábito legitimado por su carácter ritualista y tradicional, divorciado casi por completo de las necesidades de aprendizaje y de las expectativas de las generaciones jóvenes. Por último, queda claro que no se estimula el razonamiento, la creatividad ni la duda, pues lo que impera es un sentido informador más que formador, y una visión de las generaciones jóvenes como homogéneas. El autor llama la atención sobre lo imperioso que resulta concebir una educación y un aprendizaje con sentido de placer, en el que la acción educativa esté en disposición de los sujetos y no que ellos sean los objetos de la acción.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to standardize sociocultural process that characterize the official Costa Rican educational project in its manifestations in a specific urban school context as experienced and felt by the respective social actors. Also, there is the need to visualize the relationship between the student, its environment and what it means, and the system in charge of educating him or her according to a homogeneous official plan. The research gathers in formation on the daily condition of the subject in the school environment, that is how he/she relates, feels and thinks about what is transmitted and acquired, and the way in which he/she composes and recomposes his/her cultural order. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology is used, and the basis is the ethnographic method to create the different instruments: ethnographic survey, intuitive or systematic observation, participant observation, structured observation and focused interview. The population of the study is comprised of two groups with youngsters between the ages of ten and twelve from an urban school from the Hatillo district, Jorge Debravo School; the first group had 15 girls and 18 boys, and the second had 13 girls and 21 boys. According to the author, several observations emerge from the study. Among them, it is highlighted the fact that everyday school promotes cultural patterns that are dictated from the trust in reason, and discourages those arising from a humanism set in the pleasure of life in education. This way of guiding the class relinquishes pleasure and transforms its repression into something rational in order to have access to the development and continuance of the culture that gives meaning to the conventional world. Teaching is a habit legitimized by its ritualistic and traditional character, divorced almost entirely from the learning needs and expectations of young generations. Finally, it is clear that reasoning, creativity and doubt are not stimulated because what prevails is a sense of information rather than training, and a vision of the younger generations as homogeneous. The author draws attention to how imperative it is to conceive education and learning with a sense of pleasure, in which education is available to the subjects and not them being the objects of education.
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to standardize sociocultural process that characterize the official Costa Rican educational project in its manifestations in a specific urban school context as experienced and felt by the respective social actors. Also, there is the need to visualize the relationship between the student, its environment and what it means, and the system in charge of educating him or her according to a homogeneous official plan. The research gathers in formation on the daily condition of the subject in the school environment, that is how he/she relates, feels and thinks about what is transmitted and acquired, and the way in which he/she composes and recomposes his/her cultural order. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology is used, and the basis is the ethnographic method to create the different instruments: ethnographic survey, intuitive or systematic observation, participant observation, structured observation and focused interview. The population of the study is comprised of two groups with youngsters between the ages of ten and twelve from an urban school from the Hatillo district, Jorge Debravo School; the first group had 15 girls and 18 boys, and the second had 13 girls and 21 boys. According to the author, several observations emerge from the study. Among them, it is highlighted the fact that everyday school promotes cultural patterns that are dictated from the trust in reason, and discourages those arising from a humanism set in the pleasure of life in education. This way of guiding the class relinquishes pleasure and transforms its repression into something rational in order to have access to the development and continuance of the culture that gives meaning to the conventional world. Teaching is a habit legitimized by its ritualistic and traditional character, divorced almost entirely from the learning needs and expectations of young generations. Finally, it is clear that reasoning, creativity and doubt are not stimulated because what prevails is a sense of information rather than training, and a vision of the younger generations as homogeneous. The author draws attention to how imperative it is to conceive education and learning with a sense of pleasure, in which education is available to the subjects and not them being the objects of education.
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